Sweet Saturday Finds

in , by Julie Nichols, November 04, 2013

Oh, Baby, It's Cold Outside!  Molly & I just got back from a walk and it is really cold.  I think I'll make myself a cup of coffee and show you some cute garage sale stuff I purchased over the weekend.

$3.00 Takes All

10 pretty hangers $1.00, blue willow plate $2.00, cow creamer free

I purchased the hangers for my daughter. I  painted her bedroom white.

10 Pretty Hangers

Blue Willow Plate

Moo So Cute...This Will Be On Our Thanksgiving Table

Free Cow Creamer

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  1. What a deal and how fun! The cow creamer is really cute! Have a great week!

  2. I love using those padded hangers....what a great deal! And I think I have a little cow like that! What fun you had! Hugs!

  3. Great stuff...it's too cold here in Ontario for garage sales now - it's one of the things I look forward to in the spring!

  4. I love the hangers! creamer! and esp.that plate, what a buy you got in that!

  5. Lucky find Julie... I love them all!



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