Decorating A Corner In A Room

by Julie Nichols, February 17, 2014

I have been thinking about this for a while... tweaking the workroom to make it more comfortable. I love cozy little corners in spaces, but they can be a challenge to decorate.  So how do you decorate a corner in a room?  I feel balance & proportion are important key elements to keep in mind.  This means choosing the correct pieces of furniture and accessories to fit this tiny space. Color choices also need to be considered.

Here are my steps for making a pretty corner in any room of your home.

Step 1
Choose the location in your room

My Very messy WORKROOM
Tweaking the area near the window

The first step was to figure out which corner to tweak.  I thought the dresser could be moved to a different location in the room.  It sits next to a window which lets in all the beautiful sunshine. I thought a chair would nice by the window.

Step 2
Choose your furniture
 I chose the black & white CHAIR that was in our computer room. It has a round back and is the perfect width and height for this spot. 
The next piece of furniture I selected was the stenciled TV TRAY.    This piece is light & airy and is the  perfect contrast to the bold chair.  

I added a small stool that doesn't take up a lot of space.  
You can read about the stool HERE.

Step 3
Add Artwork
I already had the artwork in place when the dresser was there.  Actually the artwork was my color inspiration for bringing in the black & white chair.  

Does anyone recognize who the artist is?
If you guessed Mary Engelbreit your right!!

The small frame hanging alone on the wall is my artwork

Step 4
Add Accessories

I wanted this corner to be clutter free so I kept the accessories simple and the color palette the same.

I let the art work be the pop of color.

I hope I inspired you to make a small change in your corner of your room.

We all need our little corners.

Thank You For Stopping By!

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  1. Love this little corner! The black and white is so elegant.

  2. Oh I love this. What a pretty and cozy little corner. So inviting. Love that chair. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  3. Very pretty, and I love Mary Engelbreits drawings, they are just amazing and so whimsical.
    Your kitty sure seems to like the change............
    Enjoy, it looks great............
    Blessings, Nellie

  4. I love everything about this-the black and white, checks, and little pops of interest. Thank you for sharing at Fridays Unfolded!


  5. Black and white is so sharp and lends itself to pops of color in the art work. Great corner! Thanks for sharing at TTF!

  6. the chair and the color scheme!

  7. So inspirational! Thank you for sharing your decorating tweak at Fabulously Frugal Thursday!

  8. Beautiful! Love the chair, and the accessories are perfect. Great idea!!

  9. Visiting from Fridays B&W, and you've done it so nicely. (Love the dancer statue on the table in that one photo too.) ;)
    Rita C at Panoply

  10. Oh Julie, I love your corner. It's charming, the black and white is such a pretty color combination.
    Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY, always a pleasure having you.

  11. That corner is wonderful and I love seeing your M.E. in the background. Love the houndstooth.



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