Gray Painted Chair

by Julie Nichols, April 23, 2014

{Hi Friends} 

Hope your week is going well.  

I have been busy with furniture makeovers and paint projects.  
My recent project is this little chair I painted a beach gray. (a color I made mixing two different colors)
I love to paint furniture and mix colors to come up with a custom color or a color that I want to match.  

But sometimes things don't always go according to plan.

My plan was to paint the chair the same color as the duck eggs. 

I mixed several cans of paint and thought I had the perfect match

Until I started painting
I realized it was not working out.
After tweaking the color several times I just couldn't get it right.  So I threw in the towel and went with a different color.  I decided to mix a couple of freebie paint samples I picked up from Lowes. 
 I mixed Cathedral Stone with Muslin Wrap {Both Valspar Paints}
Which made this pretty gray

 I gave the paint a beach look by adding vinegar & water to the paint and painted over the chair again.  When that dried I sanded the chair and the edges.  

I love the way it turned out

Sometimes you just have to change your plan to come up with something even better.

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  1. I love the way it turned out too! Makes such a nice display. Great chair! My problem is later being able to replicate that great color. :-)

  2. oh this is FABULOUS! i'm so happy you shared it on Grey Dey Thursdey! ;)

  3. Julie your chair looks wonderful!

  4. wow I'd say that change of plans was genius! Such a great chair and wonderful colour!

  5. The gray is perfect! Visiting your lovely blog for the first time from Share You Cup Thursday link party. Have a great weekend.

  6. I like the color so much better than the one you had planned. It goes nicely with the other items in your vignette. Visiting from SITS

  7. The color turned out lovely! Yes, sometimes you have to have a plan B (happens to me quite often!).

  8. Love the chair and the color! I have never heard of this water and vinegar solution. The entire vignette is so welcoming! Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  9. Great redo Julie! Love the color you created. thank you for sharing at TTF last week. I have featured this post at TTG FB, Twittter, G+ and Pinterest. To see any of the shares just go to my blog and click these different social media buttons I have created on my sidebar.

  10. What a cute chair and the gray is perfect. Gorgeous vignette. Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me.

  11. Hi Julie, featuring you at SYC this week.

  12. Wow, I am not sure why I never thought to flip a chair upside down on a table to paint it... hahaha! I know what I'll be doing from now on! It looks beautiful, love it!

  13. Ooooh I love how this turned out too! I've never added vinegar to paint before and will definitely need to try that out. Thanks for sharing at The Makers!

  14. Sweet chair. Such pretty detailing and I love the color! Thanks so much for sharing at Amaze Me Monday...

  15. Please tell me about the water and vinegar mixture. What are the proportions, and what does it do to the paint? Love the look of your chair.

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