A Chaise In The Heart Of Our Home

by Julie Nichols, June 26, 2014

Hey Everyone How Are You?

Here's a little peek to what I've been up to this week. 

 I've added summer touches to our seaside cape with easy crafts and furniture changes.  I set up a comfy corner in our dining area using the chaise from our living room sectional.

 I thought moving the chaise from the living room to the dining area would be difficult.  We have a doorway that separates the two rooms.  I thought the best way to move this piece would be to turn it sideways & slide it across the floor and through the doorway. Hey you know..... It worked!
I placed it in a corner next to our sliding glass door, fireplace & dining table.  It also sits next to the doorway to my workroom.  It's a bit of a squeeze to get in and out but I don't mind.

There is a ceiling fan above and with the door opened and the fan going it makes a great spot to cool off and keep an eye on dinner.  I haven't burned anything yet.

I also like to sit here with a glass of ice cold lemonade and catch up on some of my favorite magazines. Or you can find me here with my lap top reading my favorite blogs!

Or Cat Naps
I placed a bench on the side of the chaise to cover up the metal part that connects the sectional.
The bench is also the perfect height to use as a side table.

 I love having a comfy corner in the heart of our home.

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  1. It's the perfect place to read or relax...or nap! I love having a window behind to let in good light! Hugs!

  2. Your home is so beautiful, and so warm and welcoming as well. You are so kind and helpful to include all the information and resource lists you provide, so I am a bit embarrassed to even ask this weird question: what kind of beverage bottles do you have in your bottle holder? They are the perfect size for a similar holder I have. Thank you!

  3. Julie, what a gorgeous theme you have set up! Great idea with the ceiling fan near the door... hope you're not like me and always burn the bread toasting in the oven... the smoke alarms go off every time I make garlic bread! Have a wonderful evening!

  4. What a cozy spot.....I would be spending lots of time there! Cute kitty, too....love orange tabbies. Jane



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