Tissue Box Frames

by Julie Nichols, January 09, 2015

{ Hi friends }

Have you ever thought of repurposing your tissue boxes?

As you know I am a huge fan of repurposing anything I can get my hands on.  

 The idea for this project came to me when I was sick with a wicked cold.
As you can see I went through quite a few tissue boxes....... 
 They became my new best friend!

I used Puffs.... because that is what I had on hand.
The bottom box is Up & Up {Target Brand}
 Each box has a different design.....
way to pretty to throw away
So I
 four adorable frames

For This Project I Used: 

Cube Tissue Boxes

Xacto knife...or something sharp...optional


Here is how you do it...

First pull apart all the sides then flatten
cut off the right side flap where it says Puffs in large letters

Flip over and pull out the plastic

Next, cut each side off now you have a frame.

                                      Find your favorite pictures and tape them to the back.  
                                                      Fold in the sides and you're done!                                                 

                                                      Our dog Molly relaxing on the beach
                                             This came with my daughters iPhone.

I clipped these pretty pictures from magazines

This was an easy project to do and a great way to repurpose your unwanted boxes into something useful and pretty.

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  1. What a great idea:-)
    So simple but so useful:-)

  2. Darling project! It would also be cute to create a "baby block" design on them and place the boxes stacked in the nursery with pics of baby. Thanks for sharing on the Art of Home-Making Mondays! :) We love repurposing in these parts!

  3. These are precious! What a great idea. Thanks for sharing at the Home Matters LInky Party this week!

  4. Hello, these are lovely! I am just updating our article, 6 Terrific Tissue Box Crafts and noticed that I somehow managed to not link this craft to your website. Sorry about that! You can view the round-up here if you like, https://www.diythought.com/6-terrific-tissue-box-kids-crafts/
    Thanks, Kelly



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