For the past month, I've been busy cleaning out and organizing the clutter in our home. I've cleaned out two closets filled with stuff that I haven't seen in years.  Sounds familiar?  Most of the stuff I could let go and donate, but the sentimental things I held on to. One of them was a glass block clock that was gifted to me a long time ago by my grandmother.

So how does a repurpose project turn into a story about two dogs?

A year ago in July our sweet dog Molly passed away at age 8.  The pain of losing her unexpectedly was unbearable for me and my family.  Around the same time, we lost Molly our daughter went to college and we became empty-nesters.  It was an emotional drain and I could feel the quiet emptiness of our home closing in on me.  After a few weeks of living without Molly, my husband and I decided to go to the animal shelter where we adopted Molly as a puppy to find another sweet dog to love.

Below is a picture of Molly at 6 weeks old.  When I started my blog Molly became my blogging buddy she was in just about every blog post.  My favorite post is this one Shadow Play With Molly

Let me introduce you to B.  She is a six-year-old pit bull and yes B is her name. We are not sure why her previous owners named her that, but at age, 5 we were not going to change it. In honor of her one-year adoption anniversary, I found a picture of her on the first day we brought her home and framed it in the clock that my grandmother gave to me.

I used this clock on my makeup table and forgot to change the battery out.  When I finally got around to it the clock was damaged by corrosion from the battery.  I love this clock and was disappointed that it no longer worked so I decided to take it apart and repurpose it into a frame.


I took the clock out of the glass block, flipped it over, and took it apart.

With a little help from a screwdriver, this was simple.

I threw away the damaged parts and kept the rest.  The part where the clock came out is what I used for the frame.

Lately, I've been using my iPhone to take pictures.  I snapped this picture of B in our backyard on the first day we brought her home from the shelter.  We have a nice size yard so she took full advantage of running around and playing with us.  The animal shelter gave her a new pink collar to come home with. I love how it matches her skin color.

The animal shelter has a website and that's where we started our search for a new love in our life.   This was difficult for me because I was still grieving Molly.  I even saw B on their website and passed her by. I felt I wasn't ready for another dog until we went for a visit to the shelter.  We went two times to the shelter and met the dogs that we picked from the website.  On our second visit, we met them again and we decided to open our home and heart to B.

First I uploaded the picture to my computer then I used PicMonkey to crop and edit the photograph. I used my printer to print the same picture in different sizes. Letter Size,  5"x7" and  4"x6"

I wanted a closeup of her face so I went with the 4"x 6" photo and used the round plastic cover from the clock to draw a circle around her face. Then I simply cut it out.

I placed my imperfect circle of  B inside the part where the clock was 

Now it looks more like a frame than a clock

 I spray painted the ring that was on the clock black and snapped it in place on top of the frame

Then I placed the frame inside the glass block.

That's it!

Our sweet Molly is one of God's angels now.  It has taken me a year to write a post about losing her and letting her go.  

Having B in our lives has brought back the sweet sound in our home and opened my heart to love another dog again.

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  1. Molly was beautiful! Such a sweet face. So sorry for your loss. Each time we have lost a furbaby it was just too quiet when you came home and after a few months we would get another. They have a wonderful life with us but you never forget the ones who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. I have pics of all on a table close by.



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