We are in week 5 of the One Room Challenge.  This week I ran into a serious issue with a leak in one of the windows in the family room. We had a heavy rainstorm and rain leaked through the exterior siding into the window casing causing damage to the freshly painted window and window sill.  After the repairs were complete I focused on fabric choices for the space.

Catch-up on  week 1/     week 2/     week 3/     week 4


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I received notice that my sofa was shipped from Wayfair.com so I am super excited about that!  My fingers are crossed that it arrives on time for the reveal.

There are several fabric choices for this sofa so the best way to pick the fabric was to order samples. 

This is the fabric that I picked for my sofa.  It is called Hilo Flax and seems to be the most durable of the fabric choices.

After the outside of the siding was fixed my husband worked on fixing the inside of the window.  Unfortunately, the cost to repair the damage to the siding ate into my decorating budget.  I will not be getting new chairs, I will be using furniture that I already have.  Keeping a positive attitude, I am blessed to have a loving and handy husband that can fix just about anything. 

During the repair of the window, I slipped out to a yard sale and found this pretty painting to use in the room.  I plan on using blues and greens in my neutral color family room.

And a little gold

My friend Jen helped me out by providing these gorgeous pillow covers!  I can't decide which ones to use on the new sofa.  Right now my biggest challenge in this space is decorating without the sofa physically in the room.  Even though I am so close to being finished I feel without this key component in the room I am feeling a bit stuck.

So far the walls are painted, I installed wainscoting to our tiny vestibule, ( I can't wait to show you that, it was something I added on a whim to my to-do list),  the shades and curtains are hung and the damage to the window and siding are fixed.  Next, I need to decide on artwork, accessories, lamps and an area rug for the room. 

That's it for me with week 5, I am heading over to support the other guest participants in the One Room Challenge.  If you would like to do the same head over to  Calling It Home

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  1. love the blue and white you have going here!! Sorry to hear about the rain and how it impacted your budget for getting new chairs! I am sure the room is still going to be fab!

    1. Thank you Tim! I can't tell you how much I love blue and white and mixing patterns. Glad you like the blue and white too!

  2. It's not a design challenge without a challenge right? Totally stinks what happened to the window but I bet it won't stop you! Good luck! Your design plans are super pretty!!



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